stone fox bride

Friday Links: Naked cakes and eff weddings

  I realize this is a bit extreme considering I work in the wedding industry. But I've never hidden the fact that I don't really love the traditional wedding industry, so with tongue in cheek, I proclaim that I really want this t-shirt:

You must also check out their "weddings we love" - especially if you want excellent procrastination material

Naked cakes have been around for a while on Pinterest, but here's a great round-up from Snippet & Ink. I'm the odd duck who really doesn't like a lot of frosting, so I love this idea. And it'd fit so well with a rustic, casual reception or celebration.

East Side Bride featured an awesome illegal gay wedding (with a tux jacket I am lusting after, something fierce)

Finally, this has been making the rounds for quite a while, but I needed a pick-me-up this week and this always brings a smile to my face (and, let's face it, also makes me cry. but not ugly cry. good cry). Enjoy. I give you my favorite proposal of all time (except my own, obviously).